A Project is the most basic building block of Event planning and is the highest organizational unit within the Workspace.
Each Project represents all initiatives related to planning and executing an Event or group of Events.
A Project can be marked as active or archived, depending on its current status.
Archiving moves the Project out of the active Workspace, helping to keep your Project list organized while still retaining access to archived data for future reference.
Archived Projects can be reactivated at any time, while deleted Projects are permanently removed and cannot be restored.
Refer to this file to learn how to create your first project.
Project Overview
The Project Overview provides a complete summary of all key details related to a Project, including its Events, linked Vendors, financials, and Client information.
This page serves as the central hub for managing and tracking all aspects of the Project.
A Project can consist of multiple Events, such as a wedding, dinner, presentation, meeting, brunch, etc.
Each Event has a high-level outline of key details:
Abbreviation – An optional acronym or short identifier for the Event that will replace the Event Name in the list views and Exports across your Workspace.
Date – the date the event will occur.
Estimated Guest Count – the number of guests expected to attend the Event
Location – The venue for the Event, which is considered a Vendor.
Users can select an existing location or create a new one.
Users can add new Events to a Project with the button Add event
or modify existing Events from this overview page.
Refer to this file to learn more about events.
Linked Vendors
Vendors associated with the Project are listed under this section.
The list of all Vendors assigned to the Events in the Project can be exported via the three dots menu.
Client Contacts
This displays key Client Contact details, including Roles and contact information.
Client Contacts in the Project can also be exported via the three dots menu.
Project Details
This section outlines key aspects of the Project, including the Client name, contract status, fee structure, and your team members assigned to the Project.
Client - Create a new Client here, or if you have repeat business with a past Client, you can search and select them from the dropdown.
Signed Contract - Toggle this option to indicate a contract has been signed between your company and the Client.
Management Fee - Determine whether the same Management Fee will apply to all Events in the Project or vary by Event. If you charge Per Event, the fields below will only display on the Event level:
Fee Type - Choose whether your company Management Fee will be a percentage (%) or a fixed amount ($).
Fee Amount - Enter the specific Management Fee percentage or the fixed dollar amount.
Project Leads - Search for and select Team Members to add as Project Leads. Team members must first be added to your Workspace under Settings. Use the dropdown to select the Role of each Project Lead.
Project Financial Overview
A financial overview of the Project highlighting key figures.
The values displayed here are not editable, as they directly reflect the actual data from Event Budgets.
Client to Vendor Subtotal – The total amount of Budget items assigned to Vendors across the entire Project.
Company Expenses – The total amount of Budget items assigned to your Company across the entire Project.
Management Fee – Your total Company service fee calculated across all Events.
Total Charges – The sum of all Client costs (the three items mentioned above).
Company Subtotal – Your company's total earnings (the sum of Company Expenses and Management Fees).
Total Paid to Company – The amount already paid by the Client to your Company.
Total Due to Company – The remaining balance the Company is owed from the Client.
This section provides a clear financial breakdown for both Company and Client .
Context Menu Options
The following options are available by clicking the three dots in the upper-right corner of the Project Overview:
Export to PDF - This option allows you to generate a downloadable PDF of the Project’s details to share with Clients and Vendors.
Archive Project - This option allows you to archive the Project.
Delete Project - This option permanently removes the Project and its data from the Workspace. Projects that are deleted cannot be recovered.